Corporate information

  • Legal Information: BGM FERMART HOLDCO S.L.
  • CIF: B90463274
  • Headquarters: C / CAMINO MOZARABE, NAVE 29, 41900, CAMAS, SEVILLA

Registry data:

Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Seville on December 2, 2019, in volume 6801, folio 65, entry 1 with page SE-123916.

Privacy Policy

Grupo BGM Commitment on Privacy Protection.

Ensuring the protection, privacy and security of your personal information is important for Grupo BGM and also for the way we conduct our business, in compliance with the laws on privacy, data protection and data security in those countries where that we maintain websites. We hope that the policy described below will help you understand what information Grupo BGM may store, how Grupo BGM may use it, and with whom we may share such information.

Personal information

Through our websites, Grupo BGM will not collect any personally identifiable information about you (for example, your name, address, telephone number or email address («personal information»), unless you voluntarily decide provide it to us (for example, through registration). If you do not want your personal information to reach us, please do not send it to us. When you provide us with your personal information, we will generally use it to answer your questions, process your orders or provide you with access to specific account information. Also, to improve our relationship with you:

  • We can store and process personal information and share it within the GON Group to better understand your business needs while improving our products and services; or
  • We may (or a third party on our behalf) use personal information to contact you in relation to Grupo BGM’s portfolio and thus provide better support for your business needs, or carry out surveys to gain a better understanding of the needs of our clients and profiles.

If you do not want your personal information to be used to improve our relationship with you (especially direct marketing or market research), we will respect your choice. We neither sell nor rent your personal information to third parties.

Non-personal information stored automatically

When you access our Websites, we may automatically (that is, not through registration) collect information that is not personally-identifiable (for example, the type of Internet browser and the operating system used; the domain name of the website of origin; the number of visits, average time of visit on our website, pages visited). We may use this information and share it within the GON Group to measure the use of our websites and improve their content.

«Cookies» – information automatically stored on your computer

When you enter one of our websites, we may store some information on your computer through a cookie in order to automatically recognize you the next time you return. Cookies can help us in many ways, for example by allowing us to tailor a website to better focus on your interests or to avoid re-entering your password each time you log in again. If you do not want to be recognized, please, through your Internet browser, delete the cookies from your computer’s hard drive, block all cookies or select to receive a warning before a cookie is stored.


Children should not send any personal information, without the consent of their parent or guardian, to the Grupo BGM websites. Grupo BGM supports all parents or guardians to teach children to carry out a healthy, safe and responsible use of personal information through the Internet. Grupo BGM will not consciously store or use any personal information sent by children for any purpose, including sending it to third parties.


Grupo BGM takes precautionary measures to guarantee the security of your personal information and strives to carry it out strictly. We protect your personal information from loss, destruction, falsification, manipulation, and unauthorized access.

Links to other websites

The Grupo BGM website contains links to other websites. Grupo BGM is not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of other websites.

Questions and Comments

If you have any questions or comments about Grupo BGM’s privacy policy (for example, reviewing and updating your personal information), please contact our webmaster. Our privacy policy changes depending on the advances that occur on the Internet. We will introduce the news in our privacy policy on this page as soon as it is agreed to make changes to this privacy policy.

Terms of use


BGM FERMART HOLDCO S.L. and companies of the BGM Spain Group (hereinafter BGM Group) offer on their Web pages information related to the type of activity, products and services they carry out. This information does not constitute a commercial offer to buy or sell said products and services, therefore the corresponding prices are not published.

Grupo BGM reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate the information contained in its Web pages, and may even limit or deny access to said information.

Grupo BGM is the owner of the property rights, intellectual and industrial property rights of this website, its pages, screens, the information they contain, its appearance and design, its brands, logos, and its products and services , unless otherwise specified.

Grupo BGM authorizes you to download the contents, copy or print any page on this website, but exclusively for your personal use and, provided that this does not infringe the copyright or any other property right of Grupo BGM, or change, modify, or delete any Information, content, or its warnings. The copying of Information should not be understood as an authorization to transfer to You or to any Person the property rights of Grupo BGM.

Grupo BGM prohibits the copying, duplication, redistribution, commercialization or any other activity with a public purpose or use that can be carried out with the contents of its Web pages, even if the sources are cited, except with the written consent of Grupo BGM.


The pages and contents may contain errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Grupo BGM does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or veracity of the contents or of any statement or any other information published on its Web pages. You agree that any decision, once this warning has been made, will be assumed at your own risk and expense.

Grupo BGM is not responsible for any discrepancies that may arise between the version of its printed documents and the electronic version of the same published on its Web pages.

Grupo BGM does not assume responsibility for any information or content that has not been created by Grupo BGM, so it will not be liable for any damages that may arise from the use of such information.

Grupo BGM is not responsible for damages or losses derived from the access, use or misuse of the contents of the Portal.

Links to other websites

Grupo BGM may provide links to other websites run by Entities or persons not related to Grupo BGM.

Grupo BGM is not responsible for the content that appears published on said websites. If you decide to visit any site through a link, you will do so exclusively at your own risk, and it is your responsibility to take all protective measures against viruses or other destructive elements.

Grupo BGM or its sponsor sites, or its associates are legally authorized to use trademarks, trade names, logos or copyright symbols of Grupo BGM or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.

Users outside of Spain and applicable legislation

The contents of these Web pages are controlled by Grupo BGM, from its offices in Spanish territory. Grupo BGM reveals that it is possible that these contents are not appropriate or are not available for use from a place located outside of Spanish territory. Access to the contents of this website is prohibited from the territories in which, according to the legislation in force therein, are illegal contents. Access from a place outside of Spain will be subject to compliance with the laws applicable in that place. The use of this Website or its contents is prohibited when this implies a violation of the laws and other export regulations of Spain.

For any controversy or conflict raised in relation to this Legal Notice and Conditions of Use, Spanish laws will be applicable.

General Data Protection Regulation

Visiting this website does not imply that the user is obliged to provide any information about himself. In the event that the user provides any personal information, the data collected on this website will be used for the purpose, in the manner and with the limitations and rights set forth in Organic Law 15/1999, on the Protection of Character Data Personal, in its wording given by Law 62/2003, of December 30. The data provided by users will be incorporated into the personal files for which Grupo BGM is responsible in Spain, which will comply with its obligation to notify the Data Protection Agency in advance of the creation of personal files and Likewise, it will communicate to the aforementioned Agency, the changes that occur in the purpose of the automated file, in its manager and in the address of its location. The General Registry of Data Protection will register the files, ensuring Grupo BGM in Spain that the notifications comply with the applicable requirements.

Likewise, Grupo BGM in Spain will adopt all the Security Measures in relation to the files and the data processed in them, in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Law.

Users who provide personal data, unequivocally consent to the incorporation of their data to files, which contain personal data, for which Grupo BGM in Spain is responsible, as well as the computerized treatment or not of the same with the In order that they can be used by Grupo BGM in Spain, for commercial, financial, personalization, operational and statistical purposes and activities inherent to its corporate purpose, expressly authorizing Grupo BGM in Spain. for the extraction, storage of data and marketing studies in order to adapt its offers to the particular profile. the Siemens Group in Spain. You may keep your data once the relationship with the user has ended in order to comply with legal obligations.

Grupo BGM in Spain will proceed to cancel the data collected when they are no longer necessary or relevant for the purpose for which they were collected or recorded.

In the event that the data collected is used for a different purpose for which it was collected or collected, the prior consent of the interested parties will be required.

Users who provide their personal data give their express consent so that they can be communicated for their use to the Entities of the Grupo BGM Group in Spain to carry out activities related to their corporate purpose. Users who provide personal data are informed that such communication occurs at the same time they provide the data to the BGM Group in Spain.

Users whose data are subject to treatment may freely exercise the rights of opposition, access and information, rectification, cancellation of their data and revocation of their authorization without retroactive effects in the terms specified in Organic Law 15/1999, on Data Protection Personal, in accordance with the legally established procedure. These rights may be exercised by directing a written communication to Grupo BGM, with the address Polígono Parque Plata, c / Calle Camino Mozárabe 27-29, 41900, Camas, Sevilla, Corporate Security department.

At the time of collecting the data, the voluntary or mandatory nature of the data being collected will be indicated. The refusal to provide the obligatory qualified data will suppose the non-provision or the impossibility of accessing the service for which they were requested. Likewise, data may be provided on a voluntary basis in order that the services offered can be provided in a more optimal way.

In the event that users of this website must provide their email address to access some of the services offered, they may state that they do not wish to receive any type of communication from Grupo BGM in Spain. could send, as long as it is not strictly linked to the purpose for which the service was requested. Grupo BGM Spain will make available to users who have registered on some type of mailing list within this website the appropriate mechanisms to unsubscribe from it.